GLC 2020
the Projects
Reform in teaching and learning methods in the wake of C-19
Inclusive Education
Our project aims to help stakeholders adapt themselves to the new realities posed by COVID - 19 whiles rebuilding a better education system.
We want to address the job readiness orientation currently existing in the education system to one that promotes a 'life long learning' paradigm with a focus on the STUDENT.
Currently, Inequality, diminished focus on community needs, global crisis, and the changing world of work (due to AI and automation) indicate an urgent need to reimagine the purpose of education. Also, the growing awareness of individual learning styles and pedagogical diversity, as well as data-driven insights to prove the validity of personalised learning styles indicates the importance of diversifying teaching methods.
How we plan to address the problem :
Reshape the education system to be student-centered and focus on the process and journey of the students by equipping them with critical thinking, teamwork, and problem-solving skills starting from their early childhood.
Create virtual learning communities that connect students and teachers from different countries with course contents co-created by teachers from different countries to enhance appreciation for alternative cultures and ways of thinking. (dual soft skill and technical skill development)
Promote differentiated teaching methods where students with special needs spend most of their classroom time with non-special needs students for a richer peer-to-peer learning experience.
Short-term Impact
1. Students will embrace the global classroom, and expand their understanding of the world that exists beyond their borders.
2. Students will be equipped with problem-solving skills and engage in teamwork rather than a focus on individual work/results.
Long-term Impact
1. Future-proof students' abilities to work in a variety of jobs in the future (including jobs that may not yet exist) with a focus on team-work and leadership.
2. Teachers can be less burdened by monotonous, regurgitation based instruction and focus on developing useful skills within students (reshaping the role of educators).
Project GLC Members 2020

MSc in Political Theory Research
University of Oxford

DPhil in Engineering Science
University of Oxford

Masters in Business Administration (MBA)
University of Oxford

Masters in Business Administration (MBA)
University of Oxford

Master of Public Policy
University of Oxford