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Roleplay Challenge “Become a Wife for a Day”


SDG 5: Gender Equality

St.Gallen Symposium 629.jpg

GLC Members

Christiana Kayode,
Chipo Paradzai,
Aleksandra Konibolotskaia

The roleplay campaign “Become a Wife for a day” is a sustainable solution to gender stereotypes regarding unpaid domestic care in Africa. It leverages the power of social media to advocate empathy wherein men become their wives for a day, initiating a long loop that eventually eliminates wage gaps as women have more hours to earn and more mental capacity to be productive or encourage shared household responsibility at the minimum.

Roleplay Challenge “Become a Wife for a Day”

The Problem: Unpaid domestic care work done by Women. It matters because:
1) Women spend 2x to 10x more time on unpaid care work than men.
2) it is the missing link in the analysis of wage gender gaps in labor outcomes.
3) Lower wages for women means lower quality of life which initiates a ripple effect on their children and so on.

We plan to address the challenge by challenging the stereotype acclaimed to women on unpaid care through:
Action: Leverage the power of social media to run a roleplay campaign. Participants strategically nominate the next role-play actors(including institutions).
Context: African countries with the highest social media reach - S/Africa, Egypt, Nigeria, Kenya, Morocco.
Partnerships: The Art communities (NFTs), social media influencers i.e. Falz/Mr. Macaroni; YouTuberWode Maya, Tiktokers (Khabane).

Short-term outcomes:
1) Recognise the concept of unpaid domestic care and consequently promote a new narrative that encourages shared responsibility within the household and the family as nationally appropriate. 2) Drive awareness amongst public and private institutions

Long-term outcomes include changing societal mental models on prolonged hours of domestic care done by women and redistributing policies at institutional & national levels that enforce paid domestic care work for women & shared responsibilities with men.
Therefore, this project leads to a better world for the younger & next generation of women through leadership with empathy and creates an avenue for male leaders to empathize with women in their society. The project is a sustainable solution to Gender stereotypes and gender wage gaps, domestic care because it initiates a long loop that eliminates wage gaps as women have more hours to earn and more mental capacity to be productive.

Roleplay Challenge “Become a Wife for a Day”
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